Education and Outreach

We at the Lesser Slave Watershed Council work to provide opportunities for people of all backgrounds to participate in Environmental Education, Outreach, and Stewardship. It is our sincere belief that those who are aware and educated about our water, the watershed, and the human impact on the environment make the best advocates for it. 

The LSWC's Watershed Coordinator leads all the Outreach and Educational programming and opportunities. Our programs range from custom presentations to youth or community groups, stakeholders, local government and others upon request to working with other organizations to get more people out onto both the land and water to enjoy our watershed in a fun and responsible manner. Our staff can help you find resources and personal contacts depending on the type of information or resource you are seeking. To contact the Watershed Coordinator you can email [email protected] or call our office at 780-523-9800.


Watershed Wise

Watershed Wise

In 2015 we worked with LUK Consulting and Design to create a hands on magnetic watershed model. This education tools helps people realize their impact on the landscape and in turn our water bodies. The magnets show various and use activities. Some are a better practice than others. Users learn about the impacts of their choices on the landscape and learn about best management practices.  In addition to the board and magnets the kit also contains a lesson plan with discussion points for each of the magnetic land uses, making it easy for volunteers or new users. Download Lesson Plan HERE. 

In 2016 the LSWC received a TD Friends of the Environment Foundation grant that allowed us to purchase 5 more Watershed Wise Kits and provide them to 5 local elementary schools in our watershed so that teachers can integrate them into their lesson plans. 



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Lesser Slave Forest Education Society Partnership 

LSFES-logo-300x157.pngThe LSFES and the LSWC have been working together since 2008 to deliver high quality environmental programming in our watershed. We offer curriculum based learning for all students across the watershed covering topics from aquatic invertebrates, to wetlands and water quality, and we even offer some winter programming too!

Typical classroom presentations are delivered by staff and followed up with interactive day long field trips to local wetlands or lake areas. 

For more information on the Lesser Slave Forest Education Society visit their website: